How Close Are We To Our Fundraising Goals?
Estimated Cost $499,094
So far $90,000 has been raised!
Project status
We are under construction!
Please Make a Gift. Here’s How
Make checks payable of Golden Rosary Association Inc.
And send checks to: Golden Rosary Association Inc, 4017 Higuera Highland Lan, San Jose 95148.
Bank name: Bank Of America
Account name: Golden Rosary Association Inc
Account No.: 325135206470
Routing No. : 121000358
By click on the Donate button
Detailed Cost Of Project
Gompa (Pray Hall): 2,500 square feet
Total: $133,600
Floor: $10.00/square foot. 2,500 square feet
Sponsor names are printed on the board
Light: $100/ each. 50 lights
Sponsor names are sticked on the lights
Ceiling fans: $500/each. 7 fans
Sponsor names are sticked on the fans
Painting: $8.00/ square foot. 2,000 square feet
Sponsor names are printed on the board
Folding doors- open space into the garden for big functions: 17,000
Sponsor names are printed on the board
Windows: $1,200/ each. 8 windows
Sponsor names are printed on the board
Ceiling: $15/square foot. 2500 square feet
Sponsor names are printed on the board
Art painting for the Gompa: 20,000
Sponsor names are printed on the board
Kitchen: 800 square feet
Total: $78,890
Gaz cooker: US$11,000
Sponsor names are printed on the board
Sink: 3,500. 3 compartments sink
Sponsor names are sticked on the board
Kitchen commercial hood: $6,000
Sponsor names are sticked on the board
Tiles: $15/ square foot. 800 square feet
Sponsor names are printed on the board
Special door: $15,000
Sponsor names are printed on the board
Painting: $6/ square foot. 1,365 square feet
Sponsor names are printed on the board
Ceiling: $15/ square foot. 880 square feet
Sponsor names are printed on the board
Other charges: $10,000
Sponsor names are printed on the board
Choe Khorling Mahamudra Meditation Dharma Garden: 6,500 square feet
Total: $190,700
Bricks: $12/square foot. 6,500 square feet
Sponsor names are printed on the board
Crushed rock: $100/ cubic yard. 85 cubic yards
Sponsor names are sticked on the board
Top layer sand: $70/ cubic yard. 60 cubic yards
Sponsor names are sticked on the board
Trees, grass, driveway, small mountain and others : $100,000
Sponsor names are printed on the board
Stupas. $888/each. 108 stupas
Total: $95,904
California Dharma Center Blog Updates from Our Team
Sunrise on the Dharma Garden
Dear Friends,
A big thank you for your support.
Since our last update, large decorative wood have been selected and nudged carefully into place via forklift. The main door to the main hall have been framed with red-brown colored wood.
Next is the final layer of the main hall itself, which will be laid with carpet and feature a lotus design at its center.
Though we will remain limited open to the public until the main hall will be completed, our vision for a beautiful practice space is starting to come to life, and we look forward to holding classes in the center—meditation, retreats, puja, and other fields of study—as well as simply offering a space of refuge and beauty to you, our students, and the local community to visit, reflect, and practice in.
Warmest wishes,
Your friends at the Golden Rosary