A Buddhist retreat provides a chance to put aside the concerns and demands of normal routine
Phowa retreats
Lasting 5 days, they prepare us for our ultimate death. Methods for transference of consciousness such as visualisation and recitation of mantras are taught so that at the time of death, we do not experience fear and attain enlightenment.
Nyung Nay retreats
These last about 2 to 3 days and usually take place over a long weekend.This is a fasting retreat during which we are not allowed to drink ,eat or talk on the second day. This retreat is beneficial for purifying negative karma and bringing about good health. The meditation centres on the recitations, mantras and guided visualisations of the Thousand-Armed Chenrezig, the embodiment of all the Buddhas loving kindness and compassion
Amithaba retreat
Lasting one week. During the retreat, we recite the “Aspiration for birth in the pure realm of Sukhavati” prayers and meditate on the Amithaba Buddha or “Buddha of infinite light”.