Golden Rosary Association Inc.
North American Association of the 900-year-old Barom Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism
“Our mission is to advance the Buddhism Mahayana teachings and practices of the Barom Kagyu Lineage to the West through the establishment of an authentic Barom Kagyu practice lineage in the United States.”
— H.E. Sonam Tenzin Rinpoche
Barom Kagyu Chodrak Choe Khorling Dharma Center
Barom Kagyu Chodrak Choe Khorling Dharma Center is established by His Eminence Sonam Tenzin Rinpoche in North American, the Choe Khorling means Dharma Wheel Garden, the essence of this name is turning Dharma Wheel.
Barom Kagyu Aspiration Prayer
“Gurus, yadams, viras, Dakinis and dharmapalas:
I pray that you consider me and cause the fulfillment of my aspirations.
Through the virtues of samsara and nirvana
Accumulated by me and others in the three times,
And the virtue of this aspiration,
May I and all others achieve Buddhahood.”
Upcoming Events
Lord Gampopa Anniversary
Sunday, July 21st 2024
Barom Kagyu Chodrak Choe Khorling
San Jose, CA
Short Biograpy of Lord Gampopa
Lord Gampopa was also named as Dagpo Lhaje or Sonam Rinchen, he was as main student of Milarepa. He was a doctor and tantric master. Gampopa authored the first Lamrim text, Jewel Ornament Of Lieberation, etc… and a founder of Dagpo Kagyu School. He was a great Master of the precious Kagyu Lineage.
Times & Prayers
09:00am – 10:30am Gampopa Guru Yoga
10:30am – 11:00am Tea break
11:00am – 12:00pm Gampopa Guru Yoga
12:00pm – 02:00pm Lunch Break
02:00pm – 03:00pm Gampopa Guru Yoga and Tsok Offering
03:00pm – 03:30pm Tea break
03:30pm – 05:00pm Teaching on Meditation, Q&A
05:00pm – 05:30pm Tea break
05:30pm – 06:30pm Mahakala and Marpa Tashi
May you join the anniversaries via a live stream on Zoom
Online Zoom: Lord Gampopa Anniversary
Meeting ID: 8864206419
Passcode: 863890
Friday 10th August – Monday 27th August 2024
Barom Kagyu Chodrak Choe Khorling
San Jose, CA
Nyungne retreat involves one-thousand-armed Chenrezig practice with visualization and recitation of the long and short Compassion Mantra, participants are required to take the Mahayana precepts and strictly observe fasting and silence vows. This retreat is for full time participants only. Visitors can join in for recitation at any time, but to actually do the retreat, one needs to attend full-time. Please carefully read all practical information to understand thoroughly what to expect during the retreat.
925 389 4436
4017 Higuera Highland LN
San Jose, CA 95148
Weekly Dharma Practice Programme
Medicine Buddha
Saturday 09:00AM - 10:00AM
Rinpoche always advises to make strong prayers to Medicine Buddha for anyone who is dying, sick or injured.
Location: Barom Kagyu Chodrak Choe Khorling Dharma Center, 4017 Higuera Highland LN San Jose, CA 95148
Online Zoom: Medicine Buddha
Meeting ID: 8864206419
Passcode: 863890
Past Events
17-24 May 2024
Barom Kagyu Chodrak Choe Khorling
San Jose, CA
Barom Kagyu Chodrak Choe Khorling organized the special event Nyungne Retreat and Lord Barompa’s Anniversary in the Saka Dawa from 17-24 May 2024
In Vajrajana tradition, Sakadawa is the month of Buddha Birth and is the month of amazing multiple growth of merit accumulation. Therefore, for the benefit of sutuents as well as all sentient beings, our Precious Guru organized the 3 set-Nyungne Retreat in California.
Nyungne retreat involves one-thousand-armed Chenrezig practice with visualization and recitation of the long and short Compassion Mantra, participants are required to take the Mahayana precepts and strictly observe fasting and silence vows. This retreat is for full time participants only.

Happy Birthday His Holiness Chodrak Saljey Rinpoche
Sunday, 07 April 2024
Barom Kagyu Chodrak Choe Khorling and all Barom Kagyu Dharma Centers in the world celebrated His Holiness Chodrak Saljey Rinpoche’s birthday.
May all Gurus of the glorious Dharma enjoy excellent health and longevity.
May the land be entirely filled with doctrine holders.
May the merit and virtue of the patrons of the Doctrine increase.
May the auspicious Doctrine continuously remain.
Latest News
Latest news and activities of Barom Kagyu Chodrak Choe Khorling
Great Stupas Conclusion Ceremony
Aspiration for world peace and reduce the impact of the pandemic and natural disasters
Happy Birthday Our Precious Guru!
Barom Kagyu American , Australian, Malaysian and Vietnamese students celebrating His Eminence Sonam Tenzin Rinpoche's birthday.
January 15th - 18th 2022
The Latest Teachings
Latest teachings and advices from H.E. Sonam Tenzin Rinpoche
Special Prayers
Request for Blessing and Prayer at sacred Buddhist Centers of the 900-year-old Barom Kagyu lineage in California, Sydney, Vietnam, Malaysia and Nunnery in Kham (Tibet)
Blessing for Long Life with Good Health
Rinpoche and Lama will perform blessings of people to promote their long life and excellent health
Prayer for the Recently Deceased
In Tibetan Buddhism, death is an extremely important event. For 49 days after the departing of a person, the monks will pray daily for the deceased to experience a smooth journey through the Bardo and to achieve a rebirth in the high realms. The Phowa prayers are extremely powerful as they purify the deceased of their negative Karma. Prayers are dedicated to Dorje Sempa Buddha, Medicine Buddha and to Amitabha Buddha.
Help Create a New Dharma Center in California!
Nowadays, at the challenging time, when the precious Dharma teaching is like a sun that is vanishing in the midst of cloud. H.E. Sonam Tenzin Rinpoche works tirelessly to establish Dharma Centers with a great ambition that Buddha’s teachings can conquer every single corner of the world to bring the light of Dharma to the most suffering sentient beings.
Visit Us
4017 Higuera Highland LN
San Jose, CA 95148
925 389 4436